• Holding no# 179/1, Choto Bongram, Padma Abasic, Chandrima,Rajshahi – 6207
  • +8801755774860
  • admin@bmc.edu.bd


Welcome Message from the Librarian

Welcome to the Barind Medical College Library. The library’s website is our gateway to our resources and services. The library website aims to provide a brief introduction to the facilities and services provided by the library, library operating hours and other basic information pertaining to the library. The primary objective of the library is to implement, enrich, and support the educational programs of Barind Medical College. As Librarian of BMC Library. I oversee the many Students, doctors and teachers search & acquire, catalog, preserve library collections available in the library and over the Internet. I am pleased that you are visiting our Web site today, and I invite you to revisit it often. I do hope that everybody would make full use of the facilities and services offered.

Why Medical Library

Welcome Message from the Librarian
A health or medical library is designed to assist physicians, health professionals, students, patients, consumers, medical researchers, and information specialists in finding health and scientific information to improve, update, assess, or evaluate health care.

Library rules/regulations

Students are allowed to use the library, Books will be issued to the students only for reading in the library, home issue of books for the students is riot permitted, the library rules/regulations framed by the authority to be adhered to the students.