• Holding no# 179/1, Choto Bongram, Padma Abasic, Chandrima,Rajshahi – 6207
  • +8801755774860
  • admin@bmc.edu.bd


What are the types of library collection?

There are three types of library collections—general, subject, and specialized—and these are divided into such categories as books, journals, newspapers, audiovisual materials, pictorial publications, sheet music, phonograph records, maps, and microfilms, depending upon the nature of the collection.

How can we develop a library collection?

Collection development involves activities that need a librarian or information professional who is specialized in improving the library’s collection.

  1. User needs analysis.
  2. Policies development.
  3. Selection.
  4. Acquisition.
  5. Weeding.
  6. Evaluation.